BChD, MClinDent(Endo), MEndo RCS Ed
Specialty: Endodontics
GDC registration number: 153609
Specialty: Endodontics
GDC registration number: 153609
Louise is a specialist in Endodontics and accepts referrals for root canal treatments, retreatments, pulp capping procedures, apicectomies and resorption lesions.
She graduated from Leeds University in 2008 and then went on to work as a Senior House Officer at Guy’s Hospital, gaining further training in oral surgery and restorative dentistry. After five years of working as a general dentist, Louise embarked on specialist training in Endodontics at King’s College London, graduating with Distinction in 2017.
Louise divides her time between working in practices as a specialist and teaching the postgraduate students at Guy’s Hospital in London Bridge.
Further Dentists at No.8 Partnership